Logo: Guam Memorial Hospital Authority



PLEASE NOTE: Effective Saturday, August 22, 2020, outpatient services are suspended until further notice.



Visits to the hospital for emergency care, laboratory, radiology testing, surgical services, respiratory care, and rehabilitative services, which do not require your admission to the hospital, for greater than one day are considered out-patient services.  If you are visiting the hospital for emergency and urgent care services, you should proceed directly to the Emergency Room for processing and treatment.  If you do not have medical insurance, you will be considered as a “self pay” patient.  A $150 deposit for the Emergency Room visit is required from you.  This amount will be applied toward the billed charges.  If the billed charges exceed $150, you will be billed for the balance.  If the billed charges are less than the $150, a refund will be issued to you.  Payment arrangements can be discussed with the Patient Registration staff  located in the Emergency Department.

If you have been referred to the hospital for specific diagnostic tests, laboratory work, surgery, or therapy, your physician should have scheduled an appointment for you.  On the day of  your appointment, you should report to Patient Registration on the first floor.  At least a half hour before your scheduled time. You should bring with you a physician’s request signed by your doctor, which indicates your diagnosis and the hospital services requested.  When you have completed processing the necessary paperwork, you will be directed to the appropriate service unit for treatment and testing.  If you do not bring a form from your doctor, you may have to wait until the necessary information can be obtained from your doctor.  If you have been referred to the hospital by your physician for out-patient surgery, you should bring with you your Physician’s request to Patient Registration the day before your scheduled out-patient surgery.  On the day of your surgery, you should report to Patient Registration at least two hours before your scheduled surgery.  Don’t bring valuables and please have a designated driver.

If you have been referred to the hospital by your physician for immediate testing, you should also report to Patient Registration for processing.

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